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Air Supply

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The Weight Is My Soul

By: Air Supply
Album: Air Supply
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 80884 ↑+5035

Air Supply » The Weight Is My Soul

(graham russell)

In the night when you're lonely and you can't find a word for how you feel
There's a place that you know of where the lights are so low they're hardly real,
In a chair on the front verandah is a weight with a thought to set you free.
The weight is my soul
The weight is my soul, come to me.
I can see through the streetlights where the evening air is turning round
All i hear is the hangin' of the moon and the stars on the sky.
In a chair on the front verandah is a weight with a thought to set you free.
The weight is my soul
The weight is my soul, come to me.
Have you thought of the times when your heart and your mind are free
Have you thought of the times when your heart and your mind are free
In the night when you're lonely and you can't find a word for how you feel,
There's a place that you know of where the lights are so low they're hardly real,
In a chair on the front verandah is a weight with a thought to set you free
The weight is my soul
The weight is my soul, come to me.

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Air Supply » In the album

Love And Other Bruises
Strangers In Love
What A Life
It's Not Easy
Ain't It A Shame
Empty Pages
Secret Agent
Feel The Breeze
The Weight Is My Soul
I Don't Believe You
We Are All Alone

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