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Air Supply

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Ain't It A Shame

By: Air Supply
Album: Air Supply
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 39268 ↑+578

Air Supply » Ain't It A Shame

(graham russell)

Hit with the bug to run, you didn't go to college we can use you son
You look like the pride of your home town
But how can you hold out when your luck is down

Ain't it a shame, ain't it a shame, ain't it a shame, ain't it a shame.
Because i'm too tired to run around
Meeting people from the wrong side of town
Looking for a place to live, i've got no money nothing to give, listen
All you gotta do is look around for something that's new
Find a job that's stimulating, that's easy and i'm still waiting

I've stood in line and done my time
With nothin' to do all day
I've stood in line with all my friends
With nothin' to say all day,
I've stood in line and done my time
With nothin' to do all day
I've stood in line with all my friends
With nothin' to say all day, nothin' to say all day.
Got brains but got no drive
Money's cheap, the roads are wide
All the good positions go too fast
I need a job i know will last
I've got a job for you can you push that shovel can you swing that broom
Keep your head down and don't go slow
But don't forget to stop with the whistle.

(compliments to sharon mcharg)

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Air Supply - Swear To Your Heart

Air Supply » In the album

Love And Other Bruises
Strangers In Love
What A Life
It's Not Easy
Ain't It A Shame
Empty Pages
Secret Agent
Feel The Breeze
The Weight Is My Soul
I Don't Believe You
We Are All Alone

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