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Prelude To Joanie

Por: 112
Álbum: Rock In A Hard Place
País: Austria
Tipo de música: *****
Posição: 75386 ↑+500

112 » Prelude To Joanie

At first we three thought
'twas the biblical cord of life
Then noticing 'twas connected to his head

How strange, not to believed
I reached out to feel, and the pony's eyes opened
The cord got hard, the head looked around
And you know who pushed and gushed
The waters of life
First two hooved feet, then the shine of his fur

But at first to my eyes only
Feather - feathers - wings
The butterflies flew up in such colors
Exploding all around us

The rest i did not see - till there he stood - all eyes in wonder

Who me - who you


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112 » No álbum

Jig Is Up
Bitch's Brew
Janie's Got A Gun
Cry Me A River
Rock In A Hard Place (cheshire Cat)
Lightning Strikes
Prelude To Joanie
Bolivian Ragamuffin
Push Comes To Shove

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