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Alanis Morissette

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So Pure

Од страна на: Alanis Morissette
Албум: Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
Земја: *****
Вид на музика: *****
Пласман: 27823 ↑+6223

Alanis Morissette » So Pure

You from New York you are so relevant
You reduce me to cosmic tears
Luminous more so than most anyone
Unapologetically alive knot in my stomach
And lump in my throat
I love you when you dance when you freestyle in trance
So pure such an expression
Suppossed former infatuation junkie
I sink three pointers and you wax poetically
I love you when you dance when you freestyle in trance
So pure such an expression
Let's grease the wheel over tea
Let's discuss things in confidence
Let's be outspoken let's be ridiculous
Let's solve the world's problmes
I love you when you dance when you freestyle in trance
So pure such an expression

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Alanis Morissette » Во албумот

Front Row
Can't Not
I Was Hoping
So Pure
The Couch
Thank U
Sympathetic Character
Are You Still Mad?
That I Would Be Good
Are You Still Mad
Heart Of The House
Would Not Come
Joining You
Thank You
Your Congratulations
