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Elvis Presley

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Steadfast, Loyal And True

By: Elvis Presley
Album: King Creole
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 125550 ↑+408

Elvis Presley » Steadfast, Loyal And True

(words & music by leiber - stoller)
Farewell, royal high school,
We'll remember you.
Dear alma mater,
We're steadfast, loyal, and true.

As we go onward
In the lives we lead.
Your light will guide us,
Your motto is our creed.

We will look back fondly
At your ivy walls,
Recalling precious moments
Within your hallowed halls.

Farewell, royal high school,
We'll remember you.
Dear alma mater,
We're steadfast, loyal, and true.

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Elvis Presley » In the album

King Creole
Dixieland Rock
Lover Doll
Young Dreams
Don't Ask Me Why
Steadfast, Loyal And True
New Orleans
As Long As I Have You
Hard Headed Woman

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