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Elvis Costello

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My Thief

By: Elvis Costello
Album: Painted From Memory
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 59243 ↓-40

Elvis Costello » My Thief

When i go to sleep, you become my thief
Why don't you steal what you can keep?
But you won't let me be
You break into my dreams
And every day seems different
Sometimes i pretend you'll come back again
And you'll console the heart you stole
Have pity on the man
Who knows that you have gone
And has begun to break down

I feel almost possessed
So long as i don't lose this glorious distress then
You can take all i have left
I know it's over
If you can't be my lover
Be my thief

I'm so drowsy now, i'll unlock the door
What fades in time will hurt much more
So here's that happy scene
Where you come back to me
It's only found in fiction

I feel almost possessed
So long as i don't lose this glorious distress then
You can take all i have left
I know it's over
If you can't be my lover
Be my thief

"i didn't lead you on,
But there will always be
A little larceny in everyone

So hush and don't you cry
I'm trying to be kind
Because i have a perfect alibi"

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Elvis Costello » In the album

Such Unlikely Lovers
Painted From Memory
My Thief
I Still Have That Other Girl
The Sweetest Punch
God Give Me Strength
The Long Division
This House Is Empty Now
In The Darkest Place
Tears At The Birthday Party
What's Her Name Today?

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