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Two Rooms At The End Of The World

By: Elton John
Album: 21 At 33
Država: *****
Vrsta glazbe: *****
Ranking: 23535 ↓-4

Elton John » Two Rooms At The End Of The World

Music by elton john
Lyrics by bernie taupin
Available on the album 21 at 33

Through a mutual agreement, we got that aching feeling
To look up one another one more time
Tracking down the zip codes
Sealing down those envelopes
Lack of communication on the telephone line

But don't judge us by distance
Or the difference between us
Try to look at it with an open mind
For where there is one room, you'll always find another
Two rooms at the end of the world

Well we've both ridden the wagon bit the tail off the dragon
Borne our swords like steel knights on the highway
Washing down the dirt roads
Hosing off our dirty clothes
Coming to terms with the times that we couldn't but we tried

Where there is one room, you'll always find another
Two rooms at the end of the world

Door to door they would whisper, will they ever get together
Their rooms are different temperatures i'm told
There's a change in their thinking
And their habits seem uneven
But together the two of them were mining gold

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Elton John » Na albumu

Dear God
Two Rooms At The End Of The World
Take Me Back
Sartorial Eloquence
White Lady White Powder
Never Gonna Fall In Love Again
Little Jeannie
Give Me The Love
Chasing The Crown
