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Should I Laugh Or Cry?

By: Abba
Album: I Love Abba
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 90834 ↓-1110

Abba » Should I Laugh Or Cry?

He stands towering over me beside my bed
Losing his head
Tells me i must take him seriously
Rambling on the usual way
He's such a clever guy
Then i wonder, should i laugh or cry?

He's dressed in the striped pyjamas that i bought
Trousers too short
Gives me all his small philosophies
Carries on the way he does
And me i get so tired
And i wonder should i laugh or cry

High and mighty his banner flies
A fool's pride in his eyes
Standing there on his toes to grow in size
All i see is a big balloon
Halfway up to the moon
He's wrapped up in a warm and safe cocoon
Of an eternal lie
So should i laugh or cry?

Strange how dangerously indifferent i have grown
Cold as a stone
No more pain where there was pain before
Far away he rambles on
I feel my throat go dry
And i wonder, should i laugh or cry?

High and mighty his banner flies
A fool's pride in his eyes
Standing there on his toes to grow in size
All i see is a big balloon
Halfway up to the moon
He's wrapped up in a warm and safe cocoon
Of an eternal lie
So should i laugh or cry?

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Abba » In the album

My Love, My Life
I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do
I Have A Dream
Our Last Summer
Slipping Through My Fingers
I Wonder (departure)
One Man, One Woman
Should I Laugh Or Cry?
The Name Of The Game
Andante, Andante

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