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Your Mother Should Know (lennon/mccartney)

Од страна на: Beatles
Албум: Magical Mystery Tour
Земја: *****
Вид на музика: *****
Пласман: 19012 ↓-365

Beatles » Your Mother Should Know (lennon/mccartney)

Let's all get up and dance to a song
That was a hit before your mother was born.
Though she was born a long, long time ago
Your mother should know (your mother should...)
Your mother should know (...know.)
Sing it again.
Let's all get up and dance to a song
That was a hit before your mother was born.
Though she was born a long, long time ago
Your mother should know (your mother should...)
Your mother should know (...know.)
Lift up your hearts and sing me a song
That was a hit before your mother was born.
Though she was born a long, long time ago
Your mother should know (your mother should...)
Your mother should know (aaaah.)
Your mother should know (your mother should...)
Your mother should know (aaaah.)
Sing it again.
Though she was born a long, long time ago
Your mother should know (your mother should...)
Your mother should know (yeah.)
Your mother should know (your mother should...)
Your mother should know (yeah.)
Your mother should know (your mother should...)
Your mother should know (yeah.)

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The Beatles - Your Mother Should Know [HiQ]

Beatles » Во албумот

The Fool On The Hill (lennon/mccartney)
Your Mother Should Know (lennon/mccartney)
Strawberry Fields Forever (lennon/mccartney)
Hello, Goodbye (lennon/mccartney)
Flying (lennon/mccartney)
Blue Jay Way (harrison)
I Am The Walrus (lennon/mccartney)
All You Need Is Love (lennon/mccartney)
Penny Lane (lennon/mccartney)
Magical Mystery Tour (lennon/mccartney)
