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Beach Boys


I Know There's An Answer

通过: Beach Boys
相册: Pet Sounds
国家: *****
样的音乐: *****
排行: 62417 ↑+2960

Beach Boys » I Know There's An Answer

I know so many people who think they can do it alone
They isolate their heads and stay in their saftey zones

Now what can you tell them
And what can you say that won't make them defensive

I know there's an answer
I know now but i have to find it by myself

They come on like they're peaceful
But inside they're so uptight
They trip through their day
And waste all their thoughts at night

Now how can i come on
And tell them the way that they live could be better

I know there's an answer
I know now but i have to find it by myself

Now how can i come on
And tell them the way that they live could be better

I know there's an answer
I know now but i have to find it by myself

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Beach Boys » 在专辑

Sloop John B
That's Not Me
Here Today
Don't Talk
God Only Knows
Caroline, No
I Just Wasn't Made For These Times
Pet Sounds
You Still Believe In Me
Wouldn't It Be Nice
Let's Go Away For Awhile
I'm Waiting For The Day
I Know There's An Answer
