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Beach Boys


Johnny Carson

通过: Beach Boys
相册: Love You
国家: *****
样的音乐: *****
排行: 16860 ↑+437

Beach Boys » Johnny Carson

He sits behind his microphone
John-ny car-son
He speaks in such a manly tone
John-ny car-son

Ed mcmahon comes on and says "here's johnny"
Every night at eleven thirty he's so funny
It's (nice) to (have) you (on) the (show) tonight
I've seen (your) act (in) vegas out of sight

When guests are boring he fills up the slack
John-ny car-son
The network makes him break his back
John-ny car-son

Ed mcmahon comes on and says "here's johnny"
Every night at eleven thirty he's so funny
Don't (you) think (he's) such (a) natural guy
The (way) he's (kept) it (up) could make you cry

Who's a man that we admire?
Johnny carson is a real live wire.
Who's a man that we admire?
Johnny carson is a real live wire.
Who's a man that we admire?
Johnny carson is a real live wire.
Who's the man that we admire?
Johnny carson is a real live wire

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Beach Boys » 在专辑

Good Time
Ding Dang
Solar System
I Wanna Pick You Up
I'll Bet He's Nice
Johnny Carson
Love Is A Woman
Let Us Go On This Way
Roller Skating Child
The Night Was So Young
Honkin' Down The Highway
Let's Put Our Hearts Together
