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Beach Boys


Where I Belong

通过: Beach Boys
相册: Beach Boys
国家: *****
样的音乐: *****
排行: 9685 ↓-37

Beach Boys » Where I Belong

I've spent my whole life drifting
Towards an elusive sun
I would have wandered forever
If your breeze hadn't come
And you just could be my anchor
You are my northern star
That navigates me home

Don't need to search no more exotic islands
No that i found you're right where i belong
Never been so much at home as i am
Loving you is right where i belong

In my mind we're together
Even when i'm alone
My heart leaves you never
Never will our love grow old
My destination forever
You are my shining star that navigates me home

Don't need to search no more exotic islands
Now that i found you're right where i belong
Never been as much at home as i am
Loving you is right where i belong

Don't need to search no more exotic islands
Now that i found you're right where i belong
Never been as much at home as i am
Loving you is right where i belong

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Beach Boys » 在专辑

Male Ego
I Do Love You
I'm So Lonely
Crack At Your Love
Getcha Back
It's Gettin' Late
Maybe I Don't Know
Where I Belong
California Calling
Passing Friend
She Believes In Love Again
It's Just A Matter Of Time
