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Talk On Violence

By: Propaghandi
Album: Where Quantity Is Job #1
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 136776 ↑+587

Propaghandi » Talk On Violence

I think that, i'm of course opposed to terror or any rational person is but i think that if we're serious about the question of terror serious about the question of violence, we have to recogniz
T it is a tactical and hence moral matter. incidentally, tactical issues are basically moral issues. they have to do with human consequences and if we're interested in let's say diminishing the
T of violence in the world, it's at least arguable and perhaps even sometimes true that a terroristic act does diminish the amount of violence in the world. hence a person who is opposed to viol
Will not be opposed to that terroristic act.

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Propaghandi » In the album

Leg-hold Trap
Mutual Friend
Fine Day
Laplante Song
The Van Lament
Hidden Curriculum
Utter Crap Song
Haillie Does Hebron
Oka Everywhere
Firestorm, My Ass
Degrassi Jr. High Dropouts
White, Proud And Stupid
Talk On Violence
Stand Up And Be Counted
Homophobes Are Just Mad Cuz They Can't Get Laid
...and We Thought Nation States Were A Bad Idea
Todd's Incredibly Professional Station Id For 4zzz Brisbane
Government Cartoons (entertain Your Thoughts)

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