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K Starchick

1 Albumit - 2 Lyrics
Maa: *****
Kind of music: *****
Sijoitus: 4830 ↓-2
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Viimeinen lyrics: Shouting

You dream,
That you're in the middle of a crowded room,
Shouting and yelling,
And no one can hear,
No one takes any notice of you,

And you wake,
And you're standing in the middle of a crowded room,
Shouting and yelling,
But no one can hear,
No one takes any notice of you

And you think,
How can I get out,
I Must kill my self,
I Must get away,
I Must run away,
From these evil People,
Standing in the dark,
Ruining the sunshine,

You dream,
That you're running in the rain,
Being chased by birds of prey,
And you're shouting and yelling,
But no one will care,
No one will listen to your fears,

You wake,
And you're running from five birds of prey,
And their feathers are stroked by people as you pass,
But no one notices you

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Something, Sometimes
