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Elvis Presley

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There Is No God But God

By: Elvis Presley
Album: He Touched Me
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 205063 ↓-1271

Elvis Presley » There Is No God But God

(words & music by bill kenny)
There is no god, but god,
I know this is true
God made everything,
He made me, he made you
There'd be no birds,
No planes to sail in the blue
Without his wondrous eyes
To see them through

They say god made land
And he gave it all to man
Yes i know he's mighty good and true
There is no god, but god
And he knows everything to do
So just you call on him
And he will share his love with you

There is no god, but god
I know this is true
For god made everything,
He made me, he made you

There'd be no birds,
No planes to sail in the blue
Without his wondrous eyes
To see them through

They say god made land
And he gave it all to man
This i know is mighty, good and true
There is no god, but god

And he knows everything to do
So just you call on him
And he will share his love with you

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Elvis Presley » In the album

A Thing Called Love
I've Got Confidence
He Touched Me
I, John
Seeing Is Believing
Bosom Of Abraham
An Evening Prayer
Reach Out To Jesus
There Is No God But God
Amazing Grace
Lead Me, Guide Me
He Is My Everything

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