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Elvis Costello

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I Turn Around

By: Elvis Costello
Album: Imperial Bedroom
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 194201 ↓-1074

Elvis Costello » I Turn Around

Sometimes i try so hard to resist, you say you will and i say you won't.
Sometimes i think that you don't exsist and sometimes you don't.
Pinch me 'cause i don't believe it.
Kiss me 'cause it feels like a hit.
I turn around and you're not there.
Why must it always be the less i see of you, the more i care?
You're determined to make me as miserable as you can.
You're like harry houdini or the invisible man.
Count 10 and then down again.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Doing everything they say shouldn't be done,
More fun than you can have with your clothes on.
Pinch me 'cause i don't believe it.
Kiss me 'cause it feels like a hit.
I turn around and you're not there.
Why must it always be the less i see of you, the more i care?
You're determined to make me as miserable as you can.
You're like harry houdini or the invisible man.
I turn around and you're not there.
Why must it always be the less i see of you, the more i care?
The less i see of you, the more i care.
The less i see of you, the more i care.

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Elvis Costello » In the album

Shabby Doll
The Long Honeymoon
Really Mystified
Tears Before Bedtime
Beyond Belief
From Head To Toe
Pidgin English
...and In Every Home
The Loved Ones
Kid About It
Night Time
Imperial Bedroom
You Little Fool
The Stamping Ground
Little Savage
The World Of Broken Hearts
Town Cryer
Man Out Of Time
Boy With A Problem
I Turn Around
Seconds Of Pleasure
Human Hands
Almost Blue

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