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Elvis Costello

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Human Hands

By: Elvis Costello
Album: Imperial Bedroom
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 186802 ↓-1943

Elvis Costello » Human Hands

I've been talking to the wall and it's been answering me
Oh darling how i miss you
I'm just the mere shadow of my former selfishness
I crave the silhouette of your kiss
With only the blue light of the tv on
Lip reading threats and false alarms
There's a boy somewhere holding hands with himself
And a girl in a window on the reeperbarn

Whenever i put my foot in my mouth and you begin to doubt
That it's you that i'm dreaming about
Do i have to draw you a diagram?
All i ever want is just to fall into your human hands

With the kings and queens of the dance hall craze
Checkmate in three moves in your heyday
But the girls don't listen to your line anymore
Now you're part of someone else

On the factory floor and you still say "wheres the action?"
Now you manufacture happiness
And get sold on the cheap for someone's satisfaction


All you toy soldiers and scaremongers
Are you living in this world sometimes i wonder
In between saying you've seen too much and saying you've seen it all before

Tighter and tighter i hold you tightly
You know i love you more than slightly
Although i've never said it like this before


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Elvis Costello » In the album

Shabby Doll
The Long Honeymoon
Tears Before Bedtime
Really Mystified
Beyond Belief
From Head To Toe
Pidgin English
...and In Every Home
Night Time
Kid About It
You Little Fool
The Loved Ones
Imperial Bedroom
The Stamping Ground
The World Of Broken Hearts
Little Savage
Boy With A Problem
Man Out Of Time
Town Cryer
I Turn Around
Seconds Of Pleasure
Human Hands
Almost Blue

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