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Elvis Costello

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By: Elvis Costello
Album: Blood & Chocolate
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 85206 ↓-1127

Elvis Costello » Uncomplicated

Blood and chocolate
I hope you're satisfied what you have done
You think it's over now
But we've only just begun

I asked for water
And they gave me rose' wine
A horse that knows arithmetic
And a dog that tells your fortune

Chorus: it's in your eyes

I want to buy you
A big blue diamel
Cheap white plastic shoes
That don't walk out and don't let in

I want to show you
How i love you
When you're over me
There's no-one above you


You think it's over now
But this is only the beginning


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Elvis Costello » In the album

Battered Old Bird
Home Is Anywhere
Blue Chair
I Want You
Poor Napoleon
A Town Called Big Nothing
Next Time 'round
Baby's Got A Brand New Hairdo
Forgive Her Anything
Seven Day Weekend
Crimes Of Paris
American Without Tears #2
I Hope You're Happy Now
Tokyo Storm Warning

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