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Elvis Costello

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Baby's Got A Brand New Hairdo

By: Elvis Costello
Album: Blood & Chocolate
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 92286 ↓-14791

Elvis Costello » Baby's Got A Brand New Hairdo

Baby's got a brand-new hairdo, and doesn't she look so nice?
She said everything that she cares to, she said it not once but twice
She said it doesn't matter unless it's her matters
Well, i don't care 'bout all
The girl that used to love it, and the girl i still hate

Baby's got a brand-new hairdo, and doesn't she look so fine?
She said everything that she used to,
Except she's picking your heart, not mine
She said "it doesn't matter unless i say it matters"
She said pretty pink things on silver platters
I don't care about all the moms and dads
The girl that used to love it, and girl i still hate
She's the girl that used to love it, and the girl i still hate

Baby's got a brand-new hairdo, and doesn't she look so good?
She looks like jennifer harlow, said i wish you would
I wish you would
Baby's got a brand new hairdo , i wonder what's left inside
She used to meet me at the mens room, before she learned how to be snide
She walks in the place and everybody scatters
I don't care about all the martin dress
She's the girl who used to love it and the girl i used to hate
She's the...

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Elvis Costello » In the album

Battered Old Bird
Home Is Anywhere
Blue Chair
I Want You
A Town Called Big Nothing
Next Time 'round
Poor Napoleon
Baby's Got A Brand New Hairdo
Forgive Her Anything
Seven Day Weekend
Crimes Of Paris
American Without Tears #2
I Hope You're Happy Now
Tokyo Storm Warning

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