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Beach Boys

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Leaving This Town

By: Beach Boys
Album: Holland
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 27996 ↓-2027

Beach Boys » Leaving This Town

I love to see you oh my love
I want to feel you near
My need is deep inside
Well i've been rolling on, i've been holding on, i'd like you to know
That it's been a long, long time

Sometimes it's hard to make it through the day
Sometimes it's hard to find my way
Sometimes it's hard to notice the changing days
When your friends have all gone
Leaving this town for another one

The night is coming round
I can feel the weight of coming down,
So afraid to lose this dream
I want you to understand that i'm trying to do the best i can
It's so easy to lose my way

Lay your head where you may find some peace
I've been searching for my happiness
Don't you want to wake up and take my love,
I'd be happy if you'd let me know
Should i stay or go
Let me know

Woke from a dream to see reflections all around me, of new realities,
Heavenly angels won't you guide me please help me to decide the path most
Meant for me.

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Beach Boys » In the album

California Saga/the Beaks Of Eagles
Only With You
California Saga/california
Sail On Sailor
Leaving This Town
California Saga/big Sur
Funky Pretty

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