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Beach Boys

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Little Honda

By: Beach Boys
Album: All Summer Long
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 31413 ↓-269

Beach Boys » Little Honda


I'm gonna wake you up early
Cause i'm gonna take a ride with you
We're going down to the honda shop
I'll tell you what we're gonna do
Put on a ragged sweatshirt
I'll take you anywhere you want me to

First gear (honda honda) it's alright (faster faster)
Second gear (little honda honda) i lean right (faster faster)
Third gear (honda honda) hang on tight (faster faster)
Faster it's alright

It's not a big motorcycle
Just a groovy little motorbike
It's more fun that a barrel of monkeys
That two wheel bike
We'll ride on out of the town
To any place i know you like

First gear (honda honda) it's alright (faster faster)
Second gear (little honda honda) i lean right (faster faster)
Third gear (honda honda) hang on tight (faster faster)
Faster it's alright

It climbs the hills like a matchless
Cause my honda's built really light
When i go into the turns
Lean [tilt] with me and hang on tight
I better turn on the lights
So we can ride my honda tonight

First gear (honda honda) it's alright (faster faster)
Second gear (little honda honda) i lean right (faster faster)
Third gear (honda honda) hang on tight (faster faster)
Faster it's alright

First gear (honda honda) it's alright (faster faster)
Second gear (little honda honda) i lean right (faster faster)
Third gear (honda honda) hang on tight (faster faster)
Faster it's alright

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Beach Boys » In the album

We'll Run Away
Don't Back Down
Little Honda
Girls On The Beach
Do You Remember?
All Summer Long
Carl's Big Chance
I Get Around
Our Favorite Recording Sessions

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