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Barbra Streisand

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Love Comes From Unexpected Places

By: Barbra Streisand
Album: Barbra Streisand Album
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 46598 ↓-443

Barbra Streisand » Love Comes From Unexpected Places

Love comes from the most unexpected places
In someone's eyes you've never met
Who wants to get to know you
In someone's smile you can't forget
And if the music plays on in your mind
Take all the love that you can find
And if love takes you in
Take all the love that you can find
And hope it comes again

Love comes from the most unexpected places
A love song on the radio you never heard enough of
In bars that thrive on loneliness
Where people sell their sorrow for your time
They take the love that they can find
And if love takes them in
They take the love that they can find
And hope it comes again

Love comes in many ways
In lovers' arms in sweet bouquets
But if nothing's said than nothing's ever heard
So here i stand outside your door
And i'm trying to tell you just once more
That i love you
I still love you

Love comes from the most unexpected places
Alone again i search a street of unrelated faces
Where strangers look the other way
They're so afraid my smile might say "come in"
And take the love that you can find
And if love takes you in
Take all the love that you can find
And hope love comes again

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Barbra Streisand » In the album

I Found You Love
My Heart Belongs To Me
Answer Me
Love Comes From Unexpected Places
Cabin Fever
New York State Of Mind
Don't Believe What You Read
Baby Me Baby
Lullaby For Myself

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