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N'ettim Size

By: Aysegül
9 Lyrics
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 0

N'ettim Size » The lyrics [+ Add +]

1. _ Kara Sandik Açamadim [Couldn't Open My Black Chest]
2. _ Necibe'm [My Necibe]
3. _ Ayse'min Yesil Sandigi [The Green Chest of Ayse]
4. _ Katibin Avlusu [The Courtyard of Khatib]
5. _ Firat Kenarinda Yüzen Kayiklar [The Boats of Euphrates]
6. _ Yüksek Yüksek Tepelere [To the High Hills]
7. _ Iki Dagin Arasinda Kalmisam [Stuck Between Two Mountains]
8. _ Ezo Gelin [Bride Ezo]
9. _ Keklik Idim [I Was a Partridge]

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