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Thank God

Por: F.E.C.
18 Letras de canciones
País: *****
Tipo de música: *****
Clasificación: 0

Thank God » Las letras de canciones [+ Añadir +]

1. _ Thank God
2. _ Praises
3. _ Winners
4. _ Keep the Faith [*]
5. _ Making a Way
6. _ Child of God
7. _ Led by Jesus Christ
8. _ Keep the Faith
9. _ Shout (Interlude)
10. _ Sunday Morning
11. _ As Long as I Have You Jesus in My Life
12. _ Worthy
13. _ Stand Up (Rapture) [*]
14. _ Stand Up
15. _ Shout with Joy
16. _ I Don't Know Why
17. _ I've Found My Place to Pray
18. _ Give Your Life to Christ

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