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End of Ego

Por: H. Letham
14 Letra
País: *****
Tipo de música: *****
Posición: 0

End of Ego » As letras [+ Engadir +]

1. _ Child of Bone (The End of Prosperity)
2. _ Silence of Titans (The End of Silence)
3. _ Great Debate (The End of Fallacy)
4. _ There Will Be Time (The End of Presumption)
5. _ Rock of Sisyphus (The End of Purpose)
6. _ Showboat (The End of Entertainment)
7. _ Dividir in Dos (The End of Logic)
8. _ Absence of Time, Pt. 3 (The End of Time)
9. _ Absence of Time, Pt. 2 (The End of Time)
10. _ Absence of Time, Pt. 1 (The End of Time)
11. _ Sleeping Beauty (The End of Marriage)
12. _ Narcissa (The End of Vanity)
13. _ Getting Burned (The End of Trust)
14. _ Fires of Myself (The End of Ignorance)

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