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By: Malo
14 Lyrics
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 0

X-Factor » The lyrics [+ Add +]

1. _ X-Factor [Hip-Hop]
2. _ Da Cap Fits Palau [Reggae Remix]
3. _ Your Love [Power Ballad]
4. _ I Got You [Alternative Reggae] [Alternate Take]
5. _ Onward [Modern Roots Reggae]
6. _ Roots Woman [Reggae Pop]
7. _ Alsekum Eng Etikom [Palauan Ballad]
8. _ Micronesian Queen [Micronesian Reggae]
9. _ Listening [Club]
10. _ Drowning [Acoustic Ballad]
11. _ Waiting [World]
12. _ Chillin [R&B Hip Hop]
13. _ Mead [Palauan Reggae]
14. _ In His Arms [R&B Pop]

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