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Christmas Vespers

By: P.V. Spassky
15 Lyrics
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 0

Christmas Vespers » The lyrics [+ Add +]

1. _ Chants 1 and 9 (Hirmos)
2. _ Your birth, O Christ (Nativity Troparion)
3. _ Glory be to God on high (Great Doxology)
4. _ Virgin today gives birth, nativity kondakion
5. _ Praise ye the name of God
6. _ God is with us
7. _ Prokimen: Out of the Womb
8. _ God is the Lord, Russian Orthodox hymn
9. _ Glory be to God on high
10. _ Lord, now let this thy servant depart
11. _ We praise Thee
12. _ Your birth, O Christ, troparion
13. _ Virgin today gives birth (Nativity Kondakion)
14. _ Heaven and Earth (Fitzwilliam Virginal Book) (attrib. Francis Tregian)
15. _ From My youth

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