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Listening Book/The Musical Life

Por: W. A. Mathieu
20 Letra
País: *****
Tipo de música: *****
Posición: 0

Listening Book/The Musical Life » As letras [+ Engadir +]

1. _ Names
2. _ Ima Dork
3. _ Fear of Music
4. _ Mistakes
5. _ Telephoning Counts
6. _ More You Listen
7. _ I'm Not Musical
8. _ Orginality
9. _ Cosmic Practic
10. _ Circle of Listening
11. _ Best Excuses
12. _ Technique and the Eraser Trick
13. _ Willing Silence
14. _ Most Perfect Music
15. _ What Should I Practice?
16. _ Dinner Symphony at the Sillses'
17. _ Listening Book (Introduction)
18. _ No One Can Tell You
19. _ Finding a Teacher
20. _ There's Not Much to Learn and It Takes Forever

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