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Galing Galing

By: Mokhira
16 Lyrics
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 0

Galing Galing » The lyrics [+ Add +]

1. _ Seni Sevdim (Falling in Love)
2. _ Yulimiz Boshka (Interlude)
3. _ Adol Tanovar (You Are My True Love)
4. _ Galing Galing (Come to Me)
5. _ Yulimiz Boshka (Our Ways Are Different)
6. _ Gate to the Silkroad
7. _ Parvona Bulib (Adore You)
8. _ Mungli Bokma (Don't Look at So Sadly)
9. _ Galing Galing [R'N'B Mix]
10. _ Yetmasmu (The Is No Life Without Singing)
11. _ Salom, Kalam Kosh Yigit (Hello, Nice Man)
12. _ Intro for Seni Sevdim-Gate to the Silkroad
13. _ Galar Galar (Here He Comes)
14. _ Gunokh Nadur (What Did I Do Wrong)
15. _ Bir Sen Bilursan, Bir Khudo (Only God Knows It and You)
16. _ Eslagin

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