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Today's Em

By: Propaghandi
14 Lyrics
Country: *****
Kind of music: *****
Ranking: 11417 ↓-77

Today's Em » The lyrics [+ Add +]

1. _ Purina Hall Of Fame
2. _ Ladies' Nite In Loserville
3. _ Natural Disasters
4. _ March Of The Crabs
5. _ Mate Ka Moris Ukun Rasik An
6. _ Fuck The Border
7. _ Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes
8. _ Bullshit Politicians
9. _ Back To The Motor League
10. _ Ego Fum Papa (i Am The Pope)
11. _ With Freinds Like These, Who The Fuck Needs Cointelpro?
12. _ Albright Monument, Bagdhad
13. _ Ordinary People Do Fucked-up Things When Fucked-up Things Become Ordinary
14. _ New Homes For Idle Hands

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